Projector vs Digital Ads for Taxi Top

August 25, 2021

Projector vs Digital Ads for Taxi Top

When it comes to advertising on taxi tops, there are two popular technologies - projectors and digital ads. While both have their own benefits, choosing the right one can make a big difference in terms of ROI. In this blog post, we will compare the effectiveness of projector and digital ads for taxi tops.

Projector Ads

Projector ads involve the use of a small projector mounted on the taxi top to display an advertisement. The projector can display images, videos, and animations. The projection can be seen clearly even in low-light conditions. The biggest advantage of projector ads is that they are attention-grabbing. It's hard not to notice a bright, moving image on top of a taxi.

However, projector ads have a few drawbacks. First, they require a dark or dimly-lit environment to be effective. Second, they can be affected by weather conditions such as rain, snow, or fog. Finally, projector ads have a limited viewing angle, so people from certain angles might not be able to see the ad.

Digital Ads

Digital ads use LED screens to display advertisements on the taxi tops. These ads can be programmed to display multiple ads at different times of the day. They can also display videos and animations, and they can be seen clearly in any lighting condition. Unlike projector ads, they are not affected by weather conditions, which makes them more reliable.

Moreover, digital ads have a wider viewing angle than projector ads, which means more people can see the ads. They also have more flexibility in terms of content and scheduling. Finally, digital ads are more advanced than projector ads and can provide detailed data on impressions, clicks, and conversions, which can help businesses measure the ROI of their ad campaigns.

Which is Better?

So, which one is better for advertising on taxi tops - projector or digital ads? Of course, the answer is it depends. Each technology offers its own benefits, and the choice depends on the businesses' advertising goals and budget.

If the goal is to create an attention-grabbing ad for a short period, projector ads might be a good option. However, if businesses want a more flexible and data-driven advertising campaign, digital ads would be a better choice.


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